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Thank you for reading! The idea for this memoir started in May of 2017, when I had a serendipitous encounter in a hotel lobby with a Hollywood writer and director, Anna Elizabeth James, who has since become a friend. Because she understands the importance of storytelling, she has urged me to write my story down for my children, grandchildren and yet-to-be-born great-grandchildren. She believes that they will enjoy reading it – and that it might even help them as they face junctures in life when decisions need to be made. I started writing in April  2018 and, with much help from my friends Brandy Hash and Amanda Caines, proudly received my finished books in July 2019! If you want a copy, please go to http://www.mystorytimbien.com/request-a-copy/ and I’ll happily mail it to you.

Please Tell Me What You Think!

I hope you had as much fun reading this book as I had writing it! I would love to know what your favorite part was, or if something in particular moved you or struck a chord with you. Make an entry using the button below! If you haven’t read the book yet and you want a copy, please go to http://www.mystorytimbien.com/request-a-copy/ so I can send you one.

Please Leave a Comment about My Story!

I hope you had as much fun reading this book as I had writing it! I would love to know what your favorite part was, or if something in particular moved you or struck a chord with you.

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73 entries.
Mark Schoettmer Mark Schoettmer from Cincinnati wrote on August 17, 2019 at 1:51 pm:
Tim, the book is terrific, and the life story is fascinating. I am so glad you wrote the book. It is a story worth sharing. I hope we have a few more “book worthy” adventures together before we call it a day. I would share that your reference to the last visit I made with my lovely wife to Casa Bien was a tear-jerker for my family (we all have read the book and my mother has requested it as well.) I was lucky enough to be a witness to many of your life adventures and I thought your retellings were very authentic. I loved the song lyrics. The thoughts on a balanced life were terrific. The honesty was great. You have been blessed. The riches you will leave to most of us will be a profound friendship measured in love and laughter. I have no greater compliment to offer than to thank you for the wonderful impact you have made on my life, my marriage, and my kids. Well done Horatio.
Tracy Sandquist Tracy Sandquist from Cincinnati wrote on August 14, 2019 at 5:33 pm:
Very nice work! Brought back lots of good memories. I especially enjoyed the stories and pics of Grandma and Grandpa Schmidt!
Linda Corcoran Linda Corcoran from West Chester wrote on August 11, 2019 at 1:42 pm:
So glad you accomplished another goal!! I remember many goal list you made! Thank you for sharing the best 30 years I could have ever asked for!! You gave me 5 of the best gifts ever!
Connie Nyberg Connie Nyberg from Virginia Beach wrote on August 8, 2019 at 2:13 pm:
Tim, I have thoroughly enjoyed your book. Because I moved from Cincinnati during my early 20s our experiences were not apparent to each of us in detail. But we share a common denomination which has motivated and driven us during our lives and this is the power of mentorship......family, extended "family" and career-based. Cheers Tim! Well done!
Deborah Connelly Deborah Connelly from Cornelius wrote on August 4, 2019 at 11:12 pm:
Tim, Thank you so much for sharing your book with me; it is a great honor to be included to read your story. I love the humor and you can feel your passion throughout, and your vulnerability in sharing some of your personal life. I know more about you now than I could have ever imagined! What a treasured memoir for your family, kids, grandkids, and future generations! I agree with serendipity, we lived maybe five miles apart in Cincy; I am sure we frequented the same restaurants, and maybe even the same functions, and we meet in North Carolina; Serendipity! Reading some of your story about Cincinnati was like going down memory lane for me. Glad I know someone here in NC that knows what Euchre is! And when I asked why the boat is named Stanley, you said read the book! Know I know, and what a great honor. Still chuckling about your opening joke for speeches! (Won’t spoil these for everyone else). When my kids come to visit, I will share your book with them so they will know…. who is Tim?
Doug Doug from Cincinnati wrote on August 3, 2019 at 8:54 pm:
I'm really glad we started talking again!
Bill Schaefer Bill Schaefer from Cincinnati wrote on August 3, 2019 at 1:57 am:
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I haven’t read a book in 8 years (who knows how long it was before that). I finished in 2 days. It was fascinating to learn even more about you. Your book has really made me think. I especially think about your writings on being uncomfortable and putting yourself through a tough decision to see things come out better on the other side. I love my life and the people around me and I’ve grown extremely comfortable with my life and my job. Your book has me thinking about ways that I might be able to challenge myself to enrich myself further. I haven’t figured out what that challenge will be or if it will come about for me. But the wheels are turning and I can’t wait to see where things go. Looking forward to seeing you on a trip hopefully in the near future. Take care my friend!
Kelly Friers Kelly Friers from Charlotte, NC wrote on August 2, 2019 at 1:11 pm:
I literally JUST started reading your book (like in the last 20 minutes of my flight) and I have to say I was cracking up at the frog joke!! I was trying really hard to stifle my laugh since I’m on a plane with 100 other people, but I was absolutely dying. Can’t wait to read the rest!!
Amanda Caines Amanda Caines from Charlotte wrote on August 2, 2019 at 12:19 pm:
Working on this book with you has been one of the most fun, rewarding projects I've ever done. When I jumped on board, you were just my friend's boss's (Chuck Porter's) friend who needed a layout editor; I had no idea we'd end up becoming friends in our own right by the time we were finished! I also had no idea I'd enjoy your life story as much as I have! There are too many bits of the story that I absolutely adore for many different reasons, so I can't talk about each of them. I DO want to say, though, how much I appreciate the way genuinely you capture your feelings about each situation with the words you put on the page. This book definitely reads just like you're telling a story to an old friend! It was also especially cool to hear the little behind-the-scenes backstory bits that you'd tell me about each image or anecdote as we were going through editing. I feel like I got a backstage pass to your story! It has been an honor to work on this with you, and I'm so proud of the final product! I'm also honored to have found a new, unexpected friend 🙂 Thank you for taking a chance on me!
Brandy Hash Brandy Hash from Mount Holly wrote on July 31, 2019 at 2:45 pm:
Said simply - an amazing story from an amazing man. Tim - Your professional passion is an inspiration, your love of family is a gift and your open arms for all is an immeasurable treasure. Thank you for taking the time to share openly and honestly, without shying away from painful moments or funny asides, how you came to be you. It helps all of us feel a bit more inclined to be our authentic best and live a life worthy of letters. With love, adoration and praise I say wholeheartedly . . . well done, my friend. Well done. PS: THANK YOU for helping us pull off a most amazing surprise wedding. (P.207) 🙏🏼❤️✨❤️✨❤️🙏🏼
Libby - your favorite youngest cousin:) Libby - your favorite youngest cousin:) from Cincinnati wrote on July 29, 2019 at 5:35 pm:
Tim- we walked in the door from vacation around 7 pm tonight. Jessica Bien has been watching the girls and said- “oh Uncle Tim’s book came for you while you were gone, mine came too, I can’t wait to read it when I get home.” I was excited too and I sat down to start to read it as the girls were falling asleep and literally just finished it (1:37am) It was as really good! While reading about your career was interesting and I enjoyed it, I truly loved the parts about the family especially your memories/stories of grandma and grandpa. I was young when they died so my memories are fewer and different as the were elderly by the time I came around. I can say that I took one for the team and ate Limburger cheese with grandpa often. 🙂 I got teary when you mentioned my dad. He loved you all very much and he was honored to be with you at your events. I know he is proud of you. So are your parents and grandpa and grandma. I also loved that Uncle Bob had such a big part of your career path. Clearly it was the right path. Not to mention how overweight we would all be had he taken you to a doughnut shop instead! 😂🤣😂. Everything Happens for a Reason!
Allie Beldin Allie Beldin from Augusta wrote on July 18, 2019 at 12:54 pm:
The book was fantastic! I am from Ohio and enjoyed reading about your favorite memories from childhood. It brought me back to my own memories of sweet Ohio. We look forward to having a copy! Allie Beldin
Katie Price Katie Price from Cincinnati wrote on July 17, 2019 at 10:41 pm:
I LOVED reading the original’ish version and can’t wait to read the FINAL copy!!! I, like Chuck, would love a signed copy please 🙂