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Thank you for reading! The idea for this memoir started in May of 2017, when I had a serendipitous encounter in a hotel lobby with a Hollywood writer and director, Anna Elizabeth James, who has since become a friend. Because she understands the importance of storytelling, she has urged me to write my story down for my children, grandchildren and yet-to-be-born great-grandchildren. She believes that they will enjoy reading it – and that it might even help them as they face junctures in life when decisions need to be made. I started writing in April  2018 and, with much help from my friends Brandy Hash and Amanda Caines, proudly received my finished books in July 2019! If you want a copy, please go to http://www.mystorytimbien.com/request-a-copy/ and I’ll happily mail it to you.

Please Tell Me What You Think!

I hope you had as much fun reading this book as I had writing it! I would love to know what your favorite part was, or if something in particular moved you or struck a chord with you. Make an entry using the button below! If you haven’t read the book yet and you want a copy, please go to http://www.mystorytimbien.com/request-a-copy/ so I can send you one.

Please Leave a Comment about My Story!

I hope you had as much fun reading this book as I had writing it! I would love to know what your favorite part was, or if something in particular moved you or struck a chord with you.

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73 entries.
Preeti Hasalia Preeti Hasalia from Davidson wrote on March 20, 2020 at 8:02 pm:
Tim, I loved hearing such an inspirational life-story! I was touched by the love and respect that you showed for your mother. I have shared your story with my daughter as it is a great example of hard work and perseverance. Thank you for sharing your book with me!
Linda Gerth Linda Gerth from Cincinnati wrote on March 4, 2020 at 10:34 pm:
Tim - Thank you for sharing your book with me. I think your Casa Bien sounds and looks amazing and I think it is even more amazing that you share it with so many people! I love that the requirements are to change the bed and write in your journal....and that each overnight guest gets a hat! It must feel so good to be able to share your paradise and make memories with so many different people....what a generous man you are. Linda
Sophie Pratola Sophie Pratola from Cornelius wrote on February 17, 2020 at 7:33 pm:
Tim, What an amazing and fascinating life you have led. I am honored that I get to be part of it. I smell a sequel coming (or at least some additional chapters online)!!! Thank you for sharing your story with us.
Michelle McNeight Michelle McNeight from Charlotte wrote on February 16, 2020 at 7:16 pm:
Tim - I loved learning more about your childhood, your career and your story. Thank you for sharing your passions and wisdoms through this book. My favorite part was learning how your story brought you to Lake Norman and Casa Bien - which has created so many memories for me and my volleyball families!
Cristi Cristi from Cornelius wrote on February 4, 2020 at 2:22 am:
Dear Tim, I first want to thank you for stopping by our Pharmacy in Davidson, to bring me this phenomenal book! You have such a selfless spirit which is now evident in your beautiful life story. What touched me the most is the love & respect you have for not only your mom, but for the mother of your children, & their role as ‘mother’ & what that encompasses. I also loved the descriptive details of the Pharmacy in OH. I grew up in Pgh, PA & my dad was a pharmacist that worked at, then was part owner of Hites Pharmacy in the Northside of Pgh. Thank you for the memories I had forgotten about! Please come back in to see us & so that I can officially say ‘Hello’!
BJ Del Valle BJ Del Valle from Fayetteville wrote on January 21, 2020 at 12:39 am:
Tim, thank you for the opportunity to read about your life and learn more about you. Yours is a great story full of fun, some sadness, hard work, and sharing. Although I enjoyed every aspect, what I loved the most is how it took me back to the childhood memories of my own. Thank you again, BJ
Karen Benedict Karen Benedict from Morrow wrote on December 31, 2019 at 2:48 am:
You think you know someone... especially someone you have really known for well over 30 years.... but then they write a book about their life and wow, there are so many new and fascinating things that you learn about them! I thoroughly enjoyed your book, Tim! It was well written and the events of your life story were absolutely captivating! I loved the memories that you shared about your childhood Christmas traditions and the funny recollections you had to the finest detail of times spent with family and friends. You are a man that pours loyalty, hard work, passion, grit and genuine love into every part in your life. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to read your book! Well done, my friend! Well done!
Chris Chris from Davidson wrote on December 11, 2019 at 2:24 am:
Tim, you did a wonderful job of passing on your history and legacy to your family and friends. I enjoyed getting to know your life-story better, which helps me understand the source of your generosity and heart for hospitality. Thank you for sharing your life through your house and now through your book. Trivia question: Can you name where Tim's last name (Bien) is misspelled in the book?
Angelica Angelica from Sunrise, FL wrote on December 2, 2019 at 3:18 pm:
It’s so great to learn even more about your life, most especially your childhood. I could really envision you working in your first job—much like the scene of a movie! It’s fascinating how life works itself out, and I know you’ve worked long and hard to reflect on your life’s journey. So happy to have you in our lives. (Favorite part might be Kylie’s artwork though!)
Jessica Jessica from Loveland wrote on December 2, 2019 at 3:12 pm:
I absolutely loved your story.... so inspiring! So proud of you!!!
Abi Abi from Mooresville wrote on November 30, 2019 at 6:53 pm:
Genius! A truly inspirational read for all entrepreneurs not only to achieve their goals, but to give back along the journey which makes all the difference. Your'e the true meaning of a mensch. I'm so glad that you took the time to write your life down on paper for your family, children, grandchildren, friends, and future family to read. I wish every parent would do just this. We all know you well, but this took us into the depth of who y0u really are and where you came from. Thank you for including our family in your memoir as you have become like family to us here in NC. Thank you for sharing your book and your life with us.
Barry Barry from Orlando wrote on November 14, 2019 at 3:38 am:
Beautiful book written straight from the heart from one of the most sincere, kind, genuine and generous man I have had the fortunate pleasure to meet...all because of his bond and love for Bobcat volleyball. Extremely inspirational book and thank you for widening your road and giving back throughout your like. Reading this book will make me a better person...thanks, “Uncle” Tim!!
Angela Pisel Angela Pisel from Hickory NC wrote on November 10, 2019 at 6:01 pm:
Beautifully written memoir, Tim. You have left a precious gift for your family and friends. Truly touched by your love for people especially those who are often forgotten in nursing homes. Enjoyed reading about your travels and the life lessons you've learned along the way. You can now add the gift of writing and storytelling to your gift of hospitality!! Thank you for sending me a copy.
Gail Byrd Gail Byrd from Mooresville wrote on November 5, 2019 at 1:29 pm:
First of all, thank you for sharing your story. Once I started reading it, I couldn’t put the book down. Your writing style made this easy to read, informative while keeping me entertained and intrigued all at the same time. The ironic thing is you wrote this book for your grandchildren and yet-to-be born great grandchildren, but in reality it is book for all of us, on how to lead a honest life and stay true to yourself. The crazy thing is this is YOUR LIFE and it is such an amazing, inspirational one. You truly are an inspiration and I am so glad of my serendipitous moment of meeting you!
Stephanie Specht Stephanie Specht from Cornelius wrote on November 1, 2019 at 4:30 pm:
I so enjoyed reading the story of your life (and not just because I made it in the book myself😜). My grandma always said that everyone acts the way they do for reasons no one knows. This is evident in the kind generous person I’ve had the pleasure to get to know and have in my life. Your father passing at a young age, how hard you worked to provide for your family, and the other influences you had, all made to create the lovely person you are today. I wish my parents and grandparents would have left such a beautiful gift for me. We all are better for knowing you! You are loved and appreciated!
Emily Emily from Cincinnati wrote on October 23, 2019 at 10:11 pm:
It might have taken me awhile to get started since I received my book right when the school year was starting, but once I started I really couldn’t put it down! I don’t really have a favorite part as I really enjoyed the whole thing! Funny how you think you really know someone (I mean I’ve known you since the minute I was born), but there was truly a lot I didn’t know. I actually enjoyed understanding some of your professional work chapters. As kid all I knew was that you were gone at work. I knew you were successful and I benefited from all your hard work, but understating just how important you were at work is kinda cool to learn about!! I’m thoroughly impressed by how many details you remember about your past. I can barely remember last week!! Bring on the quiz (but remember I’ve never been as good in school as Tracy!). Love you and your book!!!
Tracy Keim Tracy Keim from Coopersburg wrote on October 10, 2019 at 10:04 pm:
One of the best lines in the book: “I guess the location of your birth or your humble beginnings aren’t what determines success.” You my friend are a shining star! Thank you for sharing your story.
Vince Vince from Cincinnati wrote on October 8, 2019 at 11:24 pm:
Having heard many of the early family stories from one perspective, it was very interesting and enlightening to read the different perspective from the older Bien siblings. I've always felt included in the family and this helped enrich that feeling.
Lori Woodford Lori Woodford from Pewaukee, WI wrote on October 8, 2019 at 4:12 am:
Oh Uncle Tim, I enjoyed your book very much. I found the parts about our family especially wonderful. I loved hearing about your dad and Grandpa and Grandma Schmidt. I wish we had a book like this from my Dad or that I could ask him about his memories of your grandparents. I am very grateful for the day we all spent just mom, dad, and us 5 girls listening to Dad talk about his memories as a police officer and other times in his life. But back to your book. I loved reading your eulogies for your grandparents and got excited when in your Grandma's it said her favorite song was Edelweiss. When Isie was born I sang that song to her often. I had never thought of it as a lullaby or anything before but it just came out often and now I feel like my Great-grandma was possibly there with us and sharing that song with me and my baby girl. I enjoyed learning about your professional life and the role serendipity played in your life, professionally as well as personally. I enjoyed reading about how you became involved with the volleyball teams. To be perfectly honest I was rather jealous when I first found out other girls were calling you Uncle Tim, mostly because I felt they must have a better relationship with you than I who am your literal niece had. I hate that my Dad had to deal with cancer and that it took his life, but I am grateful that one of the blessings that stupid cancer brought to us is a renewed relationship and now I am no longer jealous of those others calling you Uncle Tim and I am glad you can be there for them. Thank you for being the fun and generous and hard working man you are. I am so grateful my husband and girls are getting to know you as well. It is hard living so far away from family, especially since I loved living in a way that allowed me to know both of my parents extended family members as well. They love having a Great-Uncle they feel close to, especially one as great as you!
Kay Daniels Kay Daniels from Hereford, England, UK wrote on October 6, 2019 at 4:01 pm:
Tim, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your memoir. What an insight into what makes you tick. Interesting how you made the decisions you made because of the things that happened to you at such an early age and because of what you thought was going to happen to you so you felt you had to cram everything into a short space of time, before time ran out. I really enjoyed reading about your family, especially the kids and the different relationships you have with them all. And those grandchildren - they are so cute I could just eat them, not all in one go though!!! There was one bit in the book where you said you started drinking wine at 29, me too and I'm still making up for lost time. You are the most generous, kindest and interesting person I have ever met and I am very blessed to know you. Thank you so much for looking after me when I came to visit you 3 years ago, and for the most amazing sunsets I saw that week. They were the BEST SUNSETS I have ever seen and I still tell people about them. Thanks again for the book which I loved reading. See you soon Tim. Kay xx